We’re here to guide you through each stage from initial concept to delivering your dream home

Stage 0: Strategic Definition
Studio Bark uses Stage 0 to explore numerous ideas, usually through two concept designs. This enables us to better understand what you like, and what might work for your property or site.
Before settling on a design, we use Stage 0 to explore different ideas. Our designs are based on your initial brief, our site analysis, and a shared online mood-board where you can post and comment.
Stage 0 design pack
The Stage 0 pack is an A3 design document containing the site strategy, concept designs and scaled, hand-drawn plans.
End of Stage 0 meeting
On completion of Stage 0 we will present the design pack to you and invite your comments. This helps us to better understand your requirements and preferences.
We will advise you on relevant permissions and statutory requirements, and on consultants that are likely to be required. We encourage you to take your time reviewing the design pack and to send us your written comments, which we will incorporate at the beginning of the next stage.
Our appointment will be based on Studio Bark’s standard terms.
Contact us at info@studiobark.co.uk to set your unique journey in motion.
Stage 1: Preparation and Brief
Based on your feedback and further research, we will develop a single design proposal. We will submit this initial design for ‘pre-application advice’ at the end of Stage 1.
During the early stages we take a highly collaborative approach, ensuring the design benefits from the raft of specialist skills that Studio Bark can offer.
Design Team coordination
We will advise you on what consultant input would be beneficial leading up to planning submission. We are experienced at managing the planning process in-house, though more complex projects may benefit from early input from a planning consultant.
Stage 1 design pack
This design pack is geared towards the planning authority, inviting their feedback whilst the design is still at a draft stage. We will explain the design principles and address likely site constraints head-on. The pack will explain how further research will inform the design development in the lead-up to a full planning submission (Stage 3). We will invite your comments and make minor changes prior to submitting the pack for pre-application submission.
Pre-application submission
We will submit the design pack for pre-application advice and attend a site meeting with the planning officer if required. Feedback from the planners, and additional client comments, will be incorporated at the next stage.
Our appointment will be based on Studio Bark’s standard terms.
Stage 2: Concept Design
Stage 2 design development is more detailed and will be tailored according to the council’s feedback. This gives your proposal the best chance of success at planning.
At the start of Stage 2 we will prepare a formal appointment document along with a fee proposal outlining the costs for our core and specialist services.
Stage 2 design pack
We will develop the design to incorporate your comments and any planning feedback received during the previous stage. At the end of Stage 2 we will issue you the pack and will incorporate minor comments as part of the next design stage. Any major changes will be agreed to on a time charge basis.
Design Team coordination
We will advise you on the appointment of surveyors and specialist consultants, and coordinate other members of the design team, acting as the central point of communication.
Final Stage 2 design pack
We will issue you the design pack which will include a set of scale drawings. Additional comments received at this point will be incorporated at the next stage.
If your project is for a private residence that you intend to occupy yourself, our appointment for Stage 2 onwards will be based on RIBA’s Domestic Professional Services Agreement.
Contact us at info@studiobark.co.uk to set your unique journey in motion.
Stage 3: Spatial Coordination
We will continue to develop and test aspects of the design through hand-drawing, digital design techniques and model making. At the end of Stage 3 we will submit the ‘full’ planning application.
Once planning permission is granted, the design is ‘fixed’: subsequent design changes are possible but may require a new planning application.
Stage 3 design pack
The evolving design pack forms the basis of the Design and Access statement, required for planning. We will produce drawings and perspective views to illustrate the proposal. Physical models and visualisations can be helpful in giving confidence to planners, parish councils and others, that the design is well considered.
Full drawing set for planning
The proposal will be developed into a full set of planning drawings including plans, sections, and elevations.
Other than exceptions, we produce to-scale CAD drawings for the planning submission.
Design Team coordination
We will continue to coordinate the design team and other consultants as required.
Planning submission
We will submit the planning application on your behalf at the end of the stage.
The determination period for most domestic-scale applications is 8 weeks, though this varies between councils. We will be in direct contact with the case officer during this time to make sure they have all the information they require.
Stage 4: Technical Design
During Stage 4 we will develop the design to a level of detail where it can be sent to building contractors for pricing.
The technical stage resolves materials, specifications and detailing. As well as producing a technical pack, we will provide drawings requested by the local council for the discharge of planning conditions. Please note, drawings produced at this stage are for costing, not construction.
The decisions made now make a big impact on the quality and feel of the final building so we will have increased contact with you and the design team.
Stage 4 kick-off meeting
The kick-off meeting is to agree minor revisions, agree a high-level programme, and set in motion the appointment of additional consultants or surveys as required.
Design Team coordination
We will manage the highly iterative process of coordinating consultant and design team input so that holistic technical solutions are reached. During Stage 4 we will also issue the drawings to Building Control for full/conditional approval.
Stage 4 design pack
We will use the Stage 4 design pack and physical material samples to convey the look and feel of the internal and external spaces.
Tender pack
Most of our projects are procured through a competitive tender process. This process identifies several potential contractors who will price the design before a preferred bidder is selected. We will produce the tender pack, containing information required for costing.
End of Stage 4 meeting
A meeting with the preferred bidder will be arranged to discuss the project in detail and negotiate a building contract that all parties are happy to sign.
Stage 5: Construction
We will tailor our level of input during Stage 5 to your project requirements, and can provide contract administration services. We will produce the construction drawings and attend regular site visits to check that work is proceeding smoothly.
The construction stage runs from initial enabling works (e.g., excavation for foundations) to building completion.
Regular site meetings
We will make regular visits to the site to check whether the build is being carried out according to the issued drawings and specifications and to address any arising issues. We will provide additional information as required to maintain progress on site.
Construction Drawings
We will issue the contractor and subcontractors with detailed construction drawings.
Stage 6: Handover & Close Out
Following the construction phase, Stage 6 refers to the sequence of events and contractual requirements which allow the building contract to be concluded.
Concluding the Contract
In our fee proposal we will include an allowance of time for checking the finished building for defects (snagging), attending meetings with other parties to the contract, and discharging any remaining planning conditions.
As Built Drawings
It is typical for design changes to be made during construction due to circumstances that emerge on site. If required, we will issue you with a set of as-built drawings for your records.
Contact us at info@studiobark.co.uk to set your unique journey in motion.
Stage 7: In Use
Stage 7 services analyse how well the building is performing ‘in use’.
Building Evaluation
Stage 7 services are becoming more popular as clients see the value of better understanding how well their building is performing.
A ‘post occupancy evaluation’ looks at how the internal environment is performing based on data collected over a set period of time. This can be fed back to optimise systems in the home for improved efficiency and comfort.
Are you ready to start your own journey with us?
Contact us at info@studiobark.co.uk or call (+44) 0207 993 4332 to speak to our team today.