ProjectThe Cork Studio
ClientStudio Bark
ContractorStudio Bark
StatusCompleted 2018
We built a solid cork building, and this is why we think it will catch on...

This project was born from the ambition to create a robust, low-cost, zero-waste studio demonstrating the possibilities of cork architecture.

Cork is a common interior floor finish, and has been used for various applications within buildings. However with this project, we wanted to see whether cork could be used as the primary structure.

We wanted to create a ‘solid cork’ building, eliminating the need for frames, linings, glues, tapes, breather membranes and wet trades. The result is a robust, low-cost ecological building which is almost entirely biodegradable and zero-waste.

The Cork Studio is a self-funded and self-built project by Studio Bark, to prove how cork can be used in practice.

Documented process
Our Cork Studio report contains a description of the entire construction process, costs, and links to suppliers. We have published this information in order to enable others to benefit from the techniques. The report is provided on the condition that Studio Bark is credited and that you send us a link to your page/social media etc so that the collective knowledge pool can grow.